Sunday, September 10, 2006


Quid Pro Quo POVs

Sometimes i get a little miffed when people take a certain point of view because 'others believe it or/not'. I believe that this is a dangerous logical trap. One should be conviced of the intrinstic merit of one's point of view regadless. I agree that sometimes that others believing something can be a strong motivator of being convinced in the first place. But by diffusing responsibility of our beliefs is taking the easy way out and taking an uninformed decision.

So what i am saying is definitely how many people believe is something is one of the factors one considers while forming an opinion. But it is just a factor, nothing more. Your belief in that point if YOURS alone and is not related to others who believe in the same thing. A point-of-view does not become correct right/wrong simply because too many/too few people believe in it.

A espcially poignant example here is that of radicals who say - Other countries are not secular, so we wont be too...A classic fallacy. Other countries, not being secular is no reason to give up on secularism. Some countries (especially in the middle ease) unequivocally declare that they are theological states. Based on religion. Their not respecting the choice of religion is specific to that nation. Its their choice. If it is their state policy to descrate religious symbols of all non-state religions, well it is their call. Good or Bad. Their not being secular should not be a factor in deciding if we should be secular or not. If we secular, it is because we believe it is a good thing and not because others are/are'nt secular. Secularism is not quid pro quo...Nor is any other POV....

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